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Tallahassee, FL 32301


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(850) 217-7881

Training and Development: The Essentials

Employee training and development represents a structured approach to improving workers’ skills, knowledge, competency, awareness, and potentially their well-being. This process aims to boost job performance and enhance quality of life. It entails organizational efforts to establish, sustain, and broaden the abilities, knowledge, and competencies of employees, focusing on both organizational requirements and individual employee needs. Training and development, while often used interchangeably, have distinct nuances.

Training primarily targets the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities to elevate performance in an existing or related role. It typically leads to specific, positive shifts in these areas, fostering enhanced performance and productivity. Effective training programs are tailored to align with employees’ objectives while fulfilling organizational needs.

Development encompasses learning opportunities that support employee growth beyond their current or similar roles. It aims to enrich and expand knowledge in line with employees’ growth objectives, including diverse activities like specialized training for various roles, career development, wellness programs, and other self-led learning initiatives.

IBM outlines the top 10 benefits of employee training and development programs: increased productivity; minimized micromanagement; training future leaders; heightened job satisfaction and retention; attracting skilled talent; enhanced work consistency; boosted camaraderie; facilitating cross-training; and fostering innovation.

The objective of training and development is to positively transform behaviors or skill sets of individuals or groups. Consequently, they are more likely to exchange knowledge and insights, leading to improved work performance and fostering attitudes that enhance both individual and group performance.

The significance of employee training and development programs in augmenting employee performance is paramount. The International Journal of Business and Management Research reports that 90% of surveyed employees agree or strongly agree that these programs have enhanced their job performance.

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